Mr. Larsh's Blog
What's NEW with Mr. Larsh's Students


There are a few tools all of our groups have used during our first two years.
One great tool is Bitstrips. Bitstrips is a free online comic strip creator. Students in the SSP have used Bitstrips for everything from communicating social stories to completing chapters in video games to planning narratives. If you’re looking for a great tool for using visuals to tell stories, try Bitstrips.
Two more great tools are iPod touch apps: Dragon Dictation and Dragon Search. Both are free from the App Store, and work on the iPod Touch, iPad and iPhone. Dragon Dictation/Search are great tools for students who know what they want to learn about, have no problem saying it, but have difficulty spelling the words. These apps have proven invaluable in our literacy groups by allowing students to independently complete written assignments and searches.


Welcome back!  Believe it or not, it’s our third year in the Student Support Program (SSP).   Just like the first two, we’re looking forward to Doing Something Awesome!

We are continuing with our Junior Boys’ Literacy group that has been such as success the last two years. And we have many, many suggestions for other groups.  Stay tuned for regular updates.

We are very excited to welcome to SSP this year, Ms. Rae Ann Beaulieu!!!  Ms. Beaulieu brings to the program a wealth of skills and experience, and we look forward to the amazing things we will accomplish with Rae Ann’s help.

Finally, we say good bye to Ms. Tricia Willson, who has been with us since the program’s inception.  Tricia has move on to the Transitions North program at Sioux Mountain School, and we wish her and Transitions North all the best.